October 2023 News
Posted on 21st November 2023 at 11:51

All of our October 2023 News
1st October 2023
Sunday morning smiles-
What a fabulous day our Silver Swans had yesterday, from a backstage tour of The Royal Opera House to ending up watching the most amazing performance of Don Quixote.
I can’t begin to express how proud I am of my daughter Sam for such an incredible production.
We’re now heading off to perform at The Royal Academy of Dance for Silver Sunday (international day of older people )
We’ll let you know how the day goes later.
Miss Angela.

Sunday evening smiles-
Well, what a fantastic weekend our Silver swans have had.
Today was Silver Sunday - International day of older persons and our Swans were chosen to perform at the Royal Academy of Dance.
Our Queen Camilla sent a message as she continues to take Silver Swans lessons albeit in the security of her own home. Angela Ripon as an ambassador for Silver Swans managed to attend even though she’s a gruelling training schedule for BBC Strictly. Angela talked about the importance of dance for the older person and how amazing it is for both physically, mentally and emotionally.
We’re so pleased that Sam Raine was able to attend to support KH.
Well done ladies -Miss Angela said you were utterly delightful.
KH wishes to thank LNER and Miss Fran for all her help during a weekend of train strikes and stressful time schedules.
We’d also like to thank Paddy from NYC stronger communities and Thomas the Baker for funding and sponsorship for the trip.
7th October 2023

Would you love to start your own creative business and need more knowledge and confidence to do so?
You can do this, so get in touch with rural arts or ourselves to book a place or find out more.
8th October 2023

Here’s our fabulous Apprentice teaching assistants all grade 7 and above pupils.
We thank them for their time in volunteering to assist in helping with our younger classes and even assisting with SEN pupils.
Many of our apprentices go on to employed teaching assistants here at KH and some move on to train to teach dance at degree level.
Those who choose a completely different career benefit in the future from our inclusive training and ethos.
Thank you girls ❤️
9th October 2023
Sunday evening smiles-
On Wednesday we received a request from Malton and Norton Lions if we could provide a singer for Ryedale Special Families trip on The North York Moors Railway today.
Teaching assistant Millie kindly agreed to help out as there had been a mixup with the entertainment.
From Millie
“Today I had the opportunity to perform for Ryedale Special Families and The Lions Club aboard the Pickering to Whitby Steam Train. I was a little nervous wondering how I was to stand and walk and sing all at the same time whilst moving through train carriages but by the time I started, I was loving every minute of it.
The children made it such a lovely atmosphere to sing in, wanting to sing along to their disney favourites, and if I had the chance it would be amazing to do again.”
Millie received lovely comments and the train guards requested she repeat the songs on the way back.
Well done Millie

11th October 2023

On this day 1969 Miss Angela won the English junior ballet championship, today her Silver Swans who danced at RAD for International day of older people presented Miss Angela with a beautiful crystal Swan as a thank you.
Quickly named Odette (from Swan Lake), Miss Angela thanked the ladies and pondered on her life time of dancing.
12th October 2023
Huge thank you to Malton Masons Camalodunum Lodge 660 Friendship & Integrity & Charity who invited a number of charities who have had the wonderful benefit of their funding to dinner last night.
With the emphasis on volunteers, Miss Angela, Miss Kyla together with volunteer director Sue and our wonderful Friends of KH volunteer trustees and volunteers in the fundraising shop enjoyed an evening with other great causes and charities.
Thanks to Robert Coates and the Freemasons without whom the funding for our LED lighting system would not have happened.
It was such a pleasure to be able to celebrate with thanks the hours ‘friends’ put into the shop and fundraising events. Thank you.
Pictured Sue, Hannah, Gemma, Pete, Carrie, Natalie, Michaela, Angela ( and Gordon) ❤️

13th October 2023

As a family friendly accredited school and community hub we are also dog friendly and there’s such excitement when anyone brings in their family member pets.
Here’s Sophie who brought in Puppy Peggy the dachshund to meet us all.
We know how much love Peggy will have and look forward to seeing her grow and be part of our KH family. ❤️
14th October 2023
Here’s our fabulous Teaching Assistants specialising in subjects but capable of assisting in all.
Hannah- Drama
Millie- Singing
Mads- Dance
All hoping to make a career in the industry either performing, teaching or as a creative.
Their time as an apprentice TA taught them the values and skills needed for KH high standards and their care and understanding of the young children they assist with, is down to their caring personalities and KH training. Thank you girls for your help with our class teachers , your confidence in stepping up to the responsibilities of teaching a class due to necessity and following the ethos of KH. 💖

15th October 2023

Sunday morning smiles- Yes it’s got round to Sunday again! How quickly a week goes but to be honest, i can’t believe it’s a year ago Kirkham Henry won the best Health Creation community Hub.
With the award ceremony being in London with a reception at The House of Lords it was an amazing time. Since then, although still trying to attract funding, we’ve gone from strength to strength. I have to admit with two massive funding opportunities taken away from us it’s not been easy but KH is far more than a building and finding out during my visits to RAD just how many schools with their own building have sadly closed due to being in covid recovery and the cost of living crisis, I count my blessings we have survived.
Yes we’re still striving to improve our facilities but we mustn’t forget how far we’ve come with the help of the trustees and support from friends of KH. So the fabulous memories continue and may they continue for years to come.
Miss Angela
15th October 2023
Sunday evening smiles-
We were back to panto land today ready for 75th Anniversary with MNMT with KH building very busy with junior dancers starting rehearsals in one studio with Miss Joanne,our senior dancers in another with Miss Ali and all joining together to set a group dance at one point too. (Miss Kyla also had a private festival practice)
Miss Ali “ Set 4 numbers up to now !
They all did brill today , Opening sorted with the seniors and juniors too.”
Miss Joanne “Our juniors were very excited to get started & worked so hard with,as always, the more experienced dancers helping those that are new to panto to make a wonderful team.”
Well done guys.

18th October 2023

Miss Angela received this trailer today for her children’s book Rosie O’Hara the Theatre Cat. All about The Royal Opera House and the Royal ballet school children rehearsing for The Nutcracker, which makes the book a great Christmas present.
Available to order from Kemps Stores Malton or any good book shop. What a great day to receive this YouTube trailer from the publishers as the book is dedicated to Miss Angela’s late husband and it would have been their 48th wedding anniversary today.
21st October 2023

It’s World Singing day and this years song was "Lean on me".
Our senior groups sung this song in their warm up ready to rehearse all their other songs for the various concerts and events they have coming up.
World Singing Day is a global sing-along held annually on the 3rd Saturday in October. As a catalyst for positive human connection, this one day each year serves as an opportunity to celebrate our global family through the international language of music.
Founded in 2012 by Colorado (USA) musician Scott Johnson, World Singing Day brings people together in their communities all around the world through the simple act of singing together.
World Singing Day is not religious or political, and encourages people to put aside their differences and celebrate what we all share as human beings.
World Singing Day is for everyone, regardless of your race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, singing ability, and age.
World Singing Day is a joyful community experience for musicians and non-musicians alike, from shower singers to celebrities, as they gather in their communities and sing together without the pressure of performing.
All our choirs from Theatre Tots to our youth choir we’re working hard today Singing their heart out out for world peace.
27th October 2023
It’s our Halloween FUNdraising day tomorrow with tombola and name the Teddy and our Film Night Hocus Pocus Tickets still available.
Do help us out by bringing some cash for your child to have a great FUNdraising day. Thank you. 👻

28th October 2023

Kirkham Henry Saturdays -
Huge thanks to Head girl Maddison for organising our FUNdraising day of which £100 was raised.
Thanks to Helen and Friends of KH for putting on Movie Night.
We had some amazing Halloween outfits all week and it was so lovely to see some classes dressing up as a theme- We’re not sure where the Barbie theme comes into Halloween but brilliant to see a team spirit.
Remember the clocks go back tonight so Dance Festival team don’t arrive an hour earlier than planned in the morning.
Have a great week everyone ❤️

30th October 2023
Elmet Dance Festival Day 2, as fun as the first day.
A quieter day for Team KH but everyone from our young first time novice dancers to our seniors have been amazing .
A great team helping each other with hair and make up and especially with getting props on and off stage.
Keep up the great work everyone. X

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